The 6th Meditation:Fair Trade
In all energy work, the idea for the outcome at the end of the day is *balance*. Perfection, absolute weightlessness, total satisfaction is in the perfect balance point where all is in Even Flow. As an aside, a lot of folk who are switched on to the other dimensions of being have a lot of trouble making any serious amounts of money because of this - they have felt the pure delight and power of the 0 balance point and translate it across to their bank statements and accountancy sheets in return. As so often, a confusion about the Laws of The Planes ensues for in the Hard, having 0 amount of money, 0 amount of food and 0 amount of air to breathe is not actually freedom but leads to death - a form of freedom which we get quite freely in due course and don't particularly have to work on to achieve, thus setting us free now to work on something else instead. Something that has to do with life, and living here, and even further, living here with some delight, excitement and expectation to make your mark in the world, to find and utilise your power to create something, shape something, make something extraordinary happen in this your incarnation. The principle of Fair Trade however, certainly exists on the levels where exchanges such as attention and the first tentative tentacles of contact between you and your visitors occur that will then deepen, and deepen some more until they may manifest in The Hard in purchases, telephone calls, or even entries in your guest book. Before we go into our Service meditation, I'm going to briefly explain something to all the conscious minds that are listening about establishing First Contact in cyberspace and developing relationships. In cyberspace, strangely it is a kind of law that you are not to be contacted unless you have clearly stated that you *wish to be contacted*. This has arisen because of the possibilities of "spamming" - too many people knocking on too many people's doors with offers and messages they don't want, can't use, aren't interested in. We've all been newbies once and now we are no longer, and we are sick and tired of being sent advertisements for penis enlargers. Even if we were in the market for this particular product, chances are, we have them all by now already. Now, your message, product and service may seem TO YOU much more valuable, meritful and beneficial than selling penis enlargers, but to someone who doesn't want to know about what you are doing, it might as well be that. The trick is to be directive to whom you are offering what; and when you have identified just whom you are addressing, you need to go one step further - you need to deliberately unbalance the energy exchange between you and your prospective new friend/visitor/client/customer in order to overcome a momentum resistance that will stop them from interacting with you unless you do something about it. It would be wonderful if we were all happy, innocent and trusting people but of course, we're not. We're terribly suspicious, have been disappointed so many times, indeed, we *expect* to be disappointed on a new contact and actively search for "the catch", "the pitfall", "the scam" - and nowhere more so than on the Internet (although, let's face it, most people do this as a matter of course with every human or their products and endeavours they meet!). This is a big, big barrier, a many layered shield designed to protect the vulnerable (and possibly injured) person inside from further pain and suffering and to touch people, get their attention, make contact and develop a relationship at all, this barrier needs to be overcome in some way. In the preceding 5 lessons, we have already made quite some inroads into the very most basic forms of getting someone to "drop their shields" even for a moment to give you, your product and your message a chance to penetrate to their awareness and allow them and us to make any contact at all. These most basic requirements were: 1. Making a website that is congruent with your message and intentions, that *feels safe and good* to have arrived at; 2. Being truthful in what you present and thus, energetically cohesive by default - incongruency triggers people's defenses more than anything else because "they smell a rat". 3. Being available to be contacted - encouraging contact and opening yourself to the individuals; 4. Developing a sense of being grateful to your visitors and appreciating people. But on the web, that still isn't quite enough. You need to go one step further and always, reliably and without a fail, *give them more than you promised* in the beginning stages of the relationship.
The Fair Trade MeditationImagine, if you will, that you are today a one who surfs the web, not quite knowing what you're looking for, from one site to the other, following links, reading a little, here and there. Imagine, you are one who is exactly that sort of person for whom YOUR site will be a haven and a welcome sanctuary, the perfect place, a finding of at least a little of what you are searching for, and that your site will be a homecoming the very moment the home page appears before this person. Imagine, if you will, looking through this person's eyes, hearing with their ears, feeling with their body and sensing with their other senses as you look at this home page and notice how there's a little tingle of hope and yet, immediately the backlash and the warnings - be careful! Don't trust! Remember all your disappointments! Step back, don't get involved, test, try, challenge - don't be a fool again! And thus, you start to surf your own web and you look around with beady eyes, you search for the deceptions, for the false promises, for the hidden sales, for the clues that will let you know exactly what's going on here, exactly what the score is, exactly what game they're playing at. Click through every link and visit every page with those suspicious eyes and that suspicious mind, picking up every little incongruency, every little falsehood, every little lie, every little half hearted, surreptitious sale intended. Wonder all the while about the question, what is they want from me in return? What do I have to do? Where do I pay? Where's the checkout and what is the currency, the cost? What is the deal here? And am I willing to enter into this deal? Now, return to your home page and slowly come back to yourself. What have you discovered? What have you learned? What changes will you make, what can you do to make this different, make this entirely different for the next visitor - how can you make a place and a sense that it is safe for a moment to drop your shields and really interact, with your materials, with your ideas, with you as a person? What needs to be said, what needs to be offered free of charge, and in advance, a deposit into the relationship account that needs to be made up front to clearly show that you seek balance in your interactions - true balance, give and take, justice and worth, effort and reward in perfect resolution? What needs to be withdrawn or made in such a way that YOU don't give away too much and thus unbalance the Fair Trade and leave your visitor with far too much and nothing asked for in return? For either is unhealthy and will not support the Even Flow; and whether you in preference might lean to giving out too much and asking far to little in return, or if you're hoarding and demanding more than is your right, the key to have it be just perfect is to find the balance and to make it obvious and clear to any visitor for they can feel this, too. When a truly just, fair trade is offered, it sets both parties in the trade entirely free on it's completion. There is no remorse. There is no disappointment. There is no residue of bitterness on either side - both are free to go and chances are, they enjoyed this unusual trade so much, they'll come again just for that feeling which is a rare thing in the trades that are conducted everywhere. The Fair Trade is one of the most satisfying human interactions - both energetically, in every relationship, or in exchanging goods for money. It is one of the most generally useful principles to fully understand I know; for this reason, do this meditation more than once, and do it on other people's sites as well in consciousness. It will help you sharpen up your senses of The Fair Trade, and give you many ideas, examples and suggestions both on how to do it right, as well as how not to do it right. If you have serious problems with Fair Trade energy exchanges in general, this might well be a topic to work on with other methods you know to come to a resolution. A great many things about our lives depend on this. Well, that was the 6th meditation. Our last meditation will concern the topics of receiving, and of friendliness. Until then, may your energy exchanges be harmonious :-) StarFields
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