The 7th Meditation:Receiving Your DuesI hope you have enjoyed our journey so far; this lesson is about a very important topic which both follows from the "Fair Trade" lesson but also, forms both the end and the beginning of this course in Web Magic. If you have even only just read through the various meditations, it is going to be quite clear by now that success at this point rests entirely on you - what you do, how you do it and that, of course, rests on what you are. Perhaps I should refine that statement to, what you think you are, because it is my experience and my supposition that most people have no idea at all. I actually have right by my front door, written directly onto the wallpaper at eye level in thick black felt tip pen, the note that says, "You are NOT who you think you are." Visitors see this every time they leave my house, and I find it interesting that they will look, look again, then shudder and never comment on it. I'm waiting for the day that someone will actually say, "Hey, what do you mean by that?" or, "Who did you write that for?", or even, "That's a damned crazy thing to have on your wall!" But they don't. I guess it's a scary thought to consider that you might be completely wrong about who you are. This includes various beliefs of how smart you are, how bad you are, how deserving you are, how good at maths you are, or singing, and what all of that, when you put it together in a big stack, *means about you* as a person. I would put it to you that as well as being the scariest thought you can have about yourself, "You are NOT who you think you are" is also possibly the most blessed one, the one most full of hope, of excitement and of promise for the future - consider, if you would, that you might be one of those people you've been jealous of all your life only you didn't know it. What has this to do with webcraft and receiving your dues? Well, basically we all know - have been told gazillions of times by every single writer who ever put quill to parchment, pen to paper or finger to keyboard on personal development through the ages - that you set the limits of what you can get out of anything by your expectations of what you're going to get. These are based on decisions and false beliefs (entrained, acquired, made somewhere along the line) on what you deserve which in turn are based on a very false equivalence - a fairy tale - namely that you get what you deserve. That's actually entirely untrue, at least in The Hard. Look around yourself, open your eyes and notice that this fairy tale is a total delusion! Loads of very deserving people work themselves into an early grave and get nothing apart from sciatica in return, and lots of very undeserving people get one lucky break after the other and seem endlessly showered in everything you might want whilst contributing more or less, nothing of value at all. This fact has driven many a good holistic person to total distraction when the simple truth is that there is simply NO CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP between "deserving" and "receiving" AT ALL. There IS however, a direct cause and effect relationship between YOUR ABILITY TO RECEIVE and how much you receive, much as there is a direct cause and effect relationship with your abilities as a gardener and how many tomatoes you will get at the end of the season, as well as how big they end up being each. So here's the Receiving Meditation to close this first turn of this course. Give it your best attention. It's important.
ReceivingImagine, if you would, that you were to stand outside, in an open landscape, in a space not quite here, yet not quite there, familiar on a very profound level, familiar of old. In this space, there is in truth no gravity and as you remember this, you rise lightly and as you do, the ground dissolves, no longer being needed now, and so you float amongst a wide space with colours that are yours alone. These colours begin to organise themselves into vortices, spiral patterns all around and they are moving towards you. You know full well that the colours are yours by all rights, friends of old, a part of you indeed, colours old and new, pure and bright, some gentle pastels and they are yours if you could reach them, or if they could reach you, then all would be as it should. Gently, lovingly, the colours reach out to you, one by one, with their own sweet sound, a voice that is their own, a chorus and a harmony that you have longed for for so long, it hurts to think for just how long it's been since last you knew them, touched them, have them be with you and listened and you sang with them as one. With more than eyes, you feel and you perceive the colours streaming towards you and in some places, they really touch you now and it feels such a homecoming, such a total wonderment of having them be there and yet in other places, there is something like a barrier, keeping colours away from you and their sound just bounces flatly and they swirl and mix with other colours in their desperation and in your rejection of them. But today, there will be no rejection left. Today, your hunger for the colours and your deep remembrance of just how once it was is more than all the fear and all the long accumulated shields of disillusion and of repercussion and today, you give a clear command that rings out with the force of fanfare that the barriers must be dropped, that the loneliness of the colours must be made to end, and that you once again are willing to receive. Willing to receive. And you are willing to receive, as hunger, memory and purpose now align and joyfully, the colours rush and find their rightful places, their rightful charges and connect and send their message and their song to you, and all you are now resonates in deepest gratitude as you receive your dues and once again, have now aligned as once it was, and as it should and as it will remain forever. Dance with the colours, and swim amidst their voices and their loving touch, their beauty and their absolute conviction and their clarity for all the time you need although in truth, you're always here, and now the colours are with you again, as is their song, as you remain anew as once it was, and as it should, and as it will remain forever. I thank you for listening and coming on this journey with me over these seven lessons in (web) magic. Please know that you can do this series over again in a spiral loop - each time you do it, you will have changed a little and a different you is coming to the lessons, learning different things and feeling in a whole new way each time. I hope you have enjoyed this series; if you have, I would be pleased to receive your comments – leave a message for me here. So I would wish you farewell now, and I'm sure we'll met again somewhere on the World Wide Web, if not in person, then as little sparks of energy :-) All good wishes for your future success, StarFields
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