Web Magic - 7 Magic Meditations For Success On The WWW

The 5th Meditation:

Web Craft, Learning & Knowledge


Welcome back.

Today, the topic of consideration is the pretty steep learning curve we have to go through to make it all work on the purely structural level.

Up until about 200 years ago, an adult would have expected to know mostly all there is about their environment, their world and the tasks they were performing, may that have been farming or silversmithing,

Today, that's no longer so.

Today, adults go out and with much trepidation, invest invest in their first PC. They are far more scared of this than of their first washing machine or their first car - we didn't watch our elders tapping away on keyboards for hours on end! Many of us seek advice on PC related matters from our *children* or other youngsters many years our juniors. This is an unusual state of affairs, and the usual kinds of acquiring learning we were once familiar with, likewise need to be reviewed as they can't keep up with this.

There is no school you can go to, sit in rows for a while, chant an alphabet or learn something by heart that will teach all that is required for Web Craft. But in a way, that's actually a very good thing because sitting in rows did never very much good at the best of times, and who actually remembers a single lesson of their many years spent at school in any detail at all?

There are many, many more ways to learn new things than just getting a ready made regurgitation of another person's ideas of what's what spoonfed a bit at a time, over a period of time, and our learning meditation today is about bringing some of those into your conscious awareness.


The Web Craft Learning Meditation

For a moment, allow yourself to drift along as you're reading this because I'm going to direct your attention on the many, many thousands of websites you have seen, no matter how briefly, during your time on the web.

Now, you might not remember very much about most of them in consciousness, and you might even find it quite hard if pressed to tell me about the last five hundred web sites you've visited, the last five thousand pages you've watched loading up, the last fifty thousand hyperlinks you've clicked to go somewhere you hoped would be a good place to find something that might be useful, interesting, amusing, educational or all of these things.

But you know, it has long been proven that our minds are indeed, the most fantastic storage device and if I was to put you into a deep, deep trance, you would remember all of that with perfect clarity, every detail of every page you've ever visited, because it's all there and it was all recorded, whether you gave it much attention at the time or none at all.

Likewise, every script you've ever looked at - java class, html, dhtml, cgi, and all the many kinds there are - is stored in your mind, in your neurology somewhere. Now you may wonder what would happen if these places inside yourself began to communicate now with each other in a whole new way, and they began to share certain things, certain principles that occur time and time again and that, if you were but to look for what they have in common, would link what your eyes perceive and what is happening to make this happen behind the scenes, in such a way that it all becomes very transparent, very clearly structured, following laws and rules that are quite immutable, like laws of nature.

There was a time when you were a child and you first found out that you can release an object and it will fall away from you, away from your hand and twist and turn and fall until it settles on the floor.

Like all children do, you were fascinated by this and repeated it time and time again, until you could be quite sure that you really knew, really KNEW that this was something that happens every time, that you can rely on it and with this knowledge, relax and use it now in whole new ways.

And then, when you got a little older, you could ask questions and back then, they were not always answered as you would want them answered, and today, the questions you have can and will be answered - there are millions of people who have already found out what you are trying to do, and they have written about these things and their experiences, and we have at our fingertips the resources to know about this too, for as we search, the engines of the internet support us in this task and all and any questions you might have, will find an answer of sorts, even if it is the answer that no-one knows and you need to work it out yourself, and be the first to do so, and become the one that tells the others.

We are all children again, even the highest paid, the most experienced hackers who are playing just like little kids with this and that, try this and that, and sometimes something works, and sometimes it does not; but that is really quite beside the point because the learning comes from trying new things, new ways and every failure just as every thing you do that works and makes you cry out loud, "Alright! I've made it work!" is just a little stepping stone to more and deeper understanding of the principles of learning and of knowledge, the real true principles that are discovery and exploration, and lessons learned, learned deeply because *you found it out all for yourself*.

So now, just sit quietly for a moment, and take away your doubts and fears and know that we are all designed for learning, learning easily and in direct response to our environment.

With doubts and fears well set aside, you really can begin to make the deep connections to the symbols and the principles of communicating with machines, of using and of utilising their support for our endeavours and flowing smoothly forward, understanding, learning and integrating with everything, from everything, you do and see and have it now become aligned so that you know, you know as well.

A frightened man makes a poor lion tamer.

Our new technologies - rapidly advancing as they are - need for us to have a whole new approach to thinking, learning and problem solving. If these topics are meaningful to you, I might suggest you do some EFT as well on meanings you have made around those topics in the past.

Fear and insecurity are energetically woven into most everything you do and they are sensed by all; make sure you don't inadvertently weave a trace of that into your html :-)

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed the Web Craft Learning meditation. Next time, we're going to talk about Service and Relationships.

Till then, have a really exciting day,

bye for now :-)




Next Web Magic Meditation


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