The 4th Meditation:The Spirit Of The Web
So, so far we've talked about the energy we invest in our sites and how to; think and understand temporal/quantitative developments. Today, the magical topic can be summed up with: Be Yourself I've been studying marketing for a very long time. It is a fascinating field with much statistics, confusion, conflicting advice by the gurus who are at war, but you know, watching it all, looking at it go by, and at the end of the day, there's only one way to stand out from the crowd, be recognised, be understood and much more importantly, *attract the RIGHT kind of people to you*. There's only one way, and that is TO BE YOURSELF. Ok, ok, so I know we're worms, worthless, horrendously problem riddled and all of that and that if people *really* knew what goes thru your head, they'd take a large stick and beat you until you stopped! So we gotta hide all of that nasty horrible stuff, right? Nasty horrible stuff like not being perfect, not knowing absolutely everything in the entirety of all time and space totally by heart AND being able to recite this clearly when called upon. Nasty horrible stuff like being less than Barbie, less than Superman, having moments of doubt and crisis, triumph and total mindblowing disaster, fears and terrors, unutterable stupidity and making the worst possible choices, unanswered questions, the wrong hair colour – ... in other words, nasty horrible stuff like being human. Now, the thing is that all that hiding, dodging, camouflaging, pretending, "putting on the show" takes a lot of energy - a LOT of energy. To make it really congruent is very hard work, and to create a facade of being superhuman and flawless in all ways is indeed so much hard work that one would need a sleepless team of hundreds to make sure the little flaws and the big ones never show up anywhere, and to make further sure no-one ever gets to meet you in person or even take a most revealing photo from an aircraft with a powerful zoom lens for this would INSTANTLY COLLAPSE THE BEAUTIFUL ILLUSION everyone has worked so hard in creating. I said this before, and am now going to say this again because people time and time and time again forget this ONE reality about the internet - At the end of the day, there's always ONE SINGLE PERSON sitting in front of their screen, all by their lonesome selves. One single person. In a library, in an internet cafe, in their cubicle at work, in their slippers, in their underwear, in a beautiful penthouse flat, in a cellar, in the middle of the darkest night because they can't sleep, somewhere in the World, somewhere in the World, there is that ... ... one single person ... ... looking at your website, and through the website, making contact with YOU. Marketing thinks that people are stupid base creatures that behave like a bunch of selfish brainless sheep. That is NOT the truth. People only behave like that if *that is the only choice they are offered* - they have no choice but to get in line for McDonalds and thus feed the illusion that people actually *like* McDonalds. People - ALL people! - HATE being just numbers. They hate it because they know they're not, that they have feelings and desires, hopes and dreams, thoughts about so many things and they know, no matter how downtrodden or how badly educated they may be, they KNOW deep down that they are much, much more than that. In the First Thousand meditation, we turned the faceless "visitors" to your site into real people so that you would really understand just *who* it is you're talking to in this delayed fashion of posting a notice in public and then they come along and look at it, are meant to interact with it somehow and always take some action (even if only in the form of actively thinking a new thought that wasn't there before) in return. Your visitors, those real people, that *one person at a time*, WILL know when you speak to them directly and with truth. With truth about who you are and what it is that you do. Just truth. That's really all. So here is our web magic meditation for this lesson, about truth, illusion and delusion of who you are and what you want to accomplish and a little help from a new friend with all of that.
The Spirit Of The WebConsider, for a moment, that you were to turn on your computer and you see the screen come alive as it always does. It takes a while to get up and running, to connect and your browser window ("The Window To The World") loads up, begins to download your own website, which of course is your "home page" set by preference default as it should be. Now, as the page loads up, it becomes transparent for today, you will see one visitor by magical means, clear and more clearly still, resolving from the usual pixellation of the screen until it becomes clear as glass, as clear as a looking glass polished to a perfect shine, and this special, magical visitor will look at you across the strands of the web, just as you look at them, just as you make true contact with the Spirit of The Web that is in truth, one single individual person at a time. Take your time to gently, and with exquisite care, allow yourself to relax and begin to weave a contact with your visitor, releasing all your fears and doubts about what they might think for you cannot know as the Spirit of The Web looks to you and waits, calm and ready, giving you the time you need to steady to the contact and to begin a communication. There may be speech and there may be communication beyond the need for mere words as you tell the Spirit of the Web about your mission, why you are here, and what it is that you desire. There may be a resonant flow of energy as this knowledge is transmitted and in return, as the tides of moons and stars above sweep gently back and forth and, at a higher level, come into a harmony that sings as one, the Spirit of The Web in turn will show you things, have you know things, help you release things, as your contact grows and deepens, and as you come more and more into a profound harmony with your visitor this magical day. Take as long as you need, and weave the contact as deeply as you can and until it gently begins to slow and stabilise into a simple knowing, a simple being full of comfort in the presence of the other, a relationship that has no need for lies and falsehoods any longer and where it is perfection to just be with one another, in silence that is more than just unspoken words. When you are ready, give the Spirit of The Web your deepest gratitude. It is not necessary, for the Spirit knows full well and so do you, and yet it is a gesture of respect and love that feels just right and makes the meeting and the learnings now complete. Thus thanked, the mirror surface once again begins now gently to unfold and fades until you sit before your screen and all you see is just your site and yet, there is a new resonance, a new understanding and a silver strand connection that remains and stands just like a steady, ready pulse connecting you, respecting you, and linking you into The Spirit of The Web at all times to give you support, understanding and most importantly, a gut level sense of what is right and what is wrong. You can call upon The Spirit Of the Web at anytime. You can ask them anything, bring your insecurities and decisions before them and in the interaction with The Spirit of the Web, you *will* be guided in the right direction, namely that of truth and of reaching people in a way that will be for the good of all, and the harm of none. Next time, we're going to meet the Watcher and what they have to offer to assist our complete energetic re-alignment to the powerfield that is the World Wide Web. Until then, be nice to yourself, StarFields
Web Magic © StarFields 2002/2011. All Rights Reserved. |